Friday, 4 March 2011

Quick Update,

This week has been crazy busy, with a photo shoot for others work on the monday, weds and thurs, I finally had a day today just to sort everything out and breath for a second. I also finally got to watch the Oscars! I love doing this every year and making notes on the hair, makeup, dresses and films that I need to watch, so a busy weekend film wise for me. Wolfman won the oscar for makeup so that will be my first stop, followed by The Tempest as the costume looks AMAZING!
this week I have-
visited the theatre, The Chesil that I hope to shoot in next weekend (19th) The Show Girl, I have my model, camera assistant, so whats left to source this weekend is to confirm with the theatre that I can use the space, find a good photographer, then there is just the costume, I have contacted a clothing designer called Mort Couture, the work is a little out there but I love it, so we'll see.

I have also contacted an amazing designer, called Keiron LeVine who has agreed to create a head piece for me, so in away I think if the clothing is crazy as well there maybe too much going on in the image so Im think simple but elegant for this one!
After speak with my tutor this week, (my original idea was to use pink tone for the makeup) we decided that using a more in fashion colour might be best so I am now going for orange tone, this was actually a really good idea by my tutor (I can't take the credit for that!) as orange will also look better in black and white.

makeup influence for this......

L x

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